Results for 'Lars Oystein Ursin'

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  1.  81
    Privacy and property in the biobank context.Lars Oystein Ursin - 2010 - HEC Forum 22 (3):211-224.
    A research biobank is a collection of personal health and lifestyle information, including genetic samples of yet unknown but possibly large information potential about the participant. For the participants, the risk of taking part is not bodily harm but infringements of their privacy and the harmful consequences such infringements might have. But what do we mean by privacy? Which harms are we talking about? To address such questions we need to get a grip on what privacy is all about and (...)
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    Withholding and Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Treatment: Ethically Equivalent?Lars Øystein Ursin - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (3):10-20.
    Withholding and withdrawing treatment are widely regarded as ethically equivalent in medical guidelines and ethics literature. Health care personnel, however, widely perceive moral differences between withholding and withdrawing. The proponents of equivalence argue that any perceived difference can be explained in terms of cognitive biases and flawed reasoning. Thus, policymakers should clear away any resistance to accept the equivalence stance by moral education. To embark on such a campaign of changing attitudes, we need to be convinced that the ethical analysis (...)
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  3. Biobank research and the right to privacy.Lars Øystein Ursin - 2008 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 29 (4):267-285.
    What is privacy? What does privacy mean in relation to biobanking, in what way do the participants have an interest in privacy, (why) is there a right to privacy, and how should the privacy issue be regulated when it comes to biobank research? A relational view of privacy is argued for in this article, which takes as its basis a general discussion of several concepts of privacy and attempts at grounding privacy rights. In promoting and protecting the rights that participants (...)
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    Withholding Versus Withdrawing Treatment: Why Medical Guidelines Should Omit “Theoretical Equivalence”.Lars Øystein Ursin - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (6):W5-W9.
    Volume 19, Issue 6, June 2019, Page W5-W9.
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    The Ethics of the Meat Paradox.Lars Ursin - 2016 - Environmental Ethics 38 (2):131-144.
  6.  30
    When is normative recruitment legitimate?Lars Øystein Ursin & Berge Solberg - 2008 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):93-113.
    Rosamond Rhodes and John Harris have both recently argued that we all have a general moral duty to participate in medical research. However, neither Rhodes' nor Harris' arguments in support of this obligation stand up to scrutiny, and severe and convincing criticism has been levelled against their case. Still, to refute their arguments is not to refute the conclusion. There seems to be some truth in the view that when people are asked to take part in medical research, their choice (...)
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    Wyller orienterer.Lars Øystein Ursin - 2007 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 42 (4):316-317.
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    «If you give them your little finger, they’ll tear off your entire arm»: losing trust in biobank research.Lars Ursin, Borgunn Ytterhus, Erik Christensen & John-Arne Skolbekken - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (4):565-576.
    Why do some people withdraw from biobank studies? To our knowledge, very few studies have been done on the reflections of biobank ex-participants. In this article, we report from such a study. 16 years ago, we did focus group interviews with biobank participants and ex-participants. We found that the two groups interestingly shared worries concerning the risks involved in possible novel uses of their biobank material, even though they drew opposite conclusions from their worries. Revisiting these interviews today reveals a (...)
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    Protect us from ourselves: Balancing the parental instinct of saving.Lars Ursin & Janicke Syltern - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1282-1296.
    Background Neonatologists, legal experts and ethicists extensively discuss the ethical challenges of decision-making when a child is born at the limit of viability. The voices of parents are less heard in this discussion. In Norway, parents are actively shielded from the burden of decision-making responsibility. In an era of increasing patient autonomy, is this position still defendable? Research question In this article, we discuss the role of parents in neonatal decision-making, based on the following research question: Should parents decide whether (...)
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    Personal autonomy and informed consent.Lars Øystein Ursin - 2009 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12 (1):17-24.
    Two ways of understanding the notion of autonomy are outlined and discussed in this article, in order to clarify how and if informed consent requirements in biotechnological research are to be justified by the promotion of personal autonomy: A proceduralist conception linking autonomy with authenticity, and a substantivist conception linking autonomy with control. The importance of distinguishing autonomy from liberty is emphasised, which opens for a possible conflict between respecting the freedom and the autonomy of research participants. It is argued (...)
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    Think Global, Buy National: CSR, Cooperatives and Consumer Concerns in the Norwegian Food Value Chain.Lars Ursin, Bjørn Kåre Myskja & Siri Granum Carson - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (3):387-405.
    In a world where issues of food safety and food security are increasingly important, the social responsibility of central actors in the food chain—producers and the main grocery chains—becomes more pressing. As a response, these actors move from implicitly assuming social responsibilities implied in laws, regulations and ethical customs, towards explicitly expressing social responsibilities. In this paper, we discuss the ethical values relevant for the social responsibility of central food producers and retailers in Norway, one of the most subsidized and (...)
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  12.  39
    Ethics of dead participants: policy recommendations for biobank research.Lars Ursin & Maria Stuifbergen - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (10):695-699.
    Respecting people’s consent choices for use of their material and data is a cornerstone of biobank ethics. Participation in biobanks is characteristically based on broad consent that presupposes an ongoing possibility of informing and interacting with participants over time. The death of a participant means the end of any interaction, but usually not the end of participation. Research on causes of death makes biobank material from deceased participants extremely valuable. But as new research questions and methods develop over time, the (...)
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  13.  29
    Postponed Withholding: Balanced Decision-Making at the Margins of Viability.Janicke Syltern, Lars Ursin, Berge Solberg & Ragnhild Støen - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (11):15-26.
    Advances in neonatology have led to improved survival for periviable infants. Immaturity still carries a high risk of short- and long-term harms, and uncertainty turns provision of life support int...
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  14.  15
    The normative dimensions of new technologies.Lars Ursin, Per-Erling Movik & Allen Alvarez - 2015 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):1-4.
    This special issue of Etikk i praksis features papers that articulate and discuss approaches and methodology that seek to make normative research activity and research output productive in contexts of ongoing societal and technological decision-making. The articles in various ways and to a varying degree exemplify and reflect on the methodology of the study of normativity in innovation.
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    Being Polite: Why Biobank Consent Comprehension Is Neither a Requirement nor an Aspiration.Berge Solberg & Lars Ursin - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (5):31-33.
    Volume 19, Issue 5, May 2019, Page 31-33.
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  16.  62
    We’re not in it for the money—lay people’s moral intuitions on commercial use of ‘their’ biobank.Kristin Solum Steinsbekk, Lars Øystein Ursin, John-Arne Skolbekken & Berge Solberg - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (2):151-162.
    Great hope has been placed on biobank research as a strategy to improve diagnostics, therapeutics and prevention. It seems to be a common opinion that these goals cannot be reached without the participation of commercial actors. However, commercial use of biobanks is considered morally problematic and the commercialisation of human biological materials is regulated internationally by policy documents, conventions and laws. For instance, the Council of Europe recommends that: “Biological materials should not, as such, give rise to financial gain”. Similarly, (...)
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  17.  26
    European Electronic Personal Health Records initiatives and vulnerable migrants: A need for greater ethical, legal and social safeguards.Oliver Feeney, Gabriele Werner‐Felmayer, Helena Siipi, Markus Frischhut, Silvia Zullo, Ursela Barteczko, Lars Øystein Ursin, Shai Linn, Heike Felzmann, Dušanka Krajnović, John Saunders & Vojin Rakić - 2020 - Developing World Bioethics 20 (1):27-37.
    The effective collection and management of personal data of rapidly migrating populations is important for ensuring adequate healthcare and monitoring of a displaced peoples’ health status. With developments in ICT data sharing capabilities, electronic personal health records (ePHRs) are increasingly replacing less transportable paper records. ePHRs offer further advantages of improving accuracy and completeness of information and seem tailored for rapidly displaced and mobile populations. Various emerging initiatives in Europe are seeking to develop migrant‐centric ePHR responses. This paper highlights their (...)
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  18. When is a Techno-Fix Legitimate? The Case of Viticultural Climate Resilience.Rune Nydal, Giovanni De Grandis & Lars Ursin - 2023 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 36 (1):1-17.
    Climate change is an existential risk reinforced by ordinary actions in afuent societies—often silently present in comfortable and enjoyable habits. This silence is sometimes broken, presenting itself as a nagging reminder of how our habits fuel a catastrophe. As a case in point, global warming has created a state of urgency among wine makers in Spain, as the alcohol level has risen to a point where it jeopardises wine quality and thereby Spanish viticulture. Eforts are currently being made to solve (...)
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    The Responsibility of Farmers, Public Authorities and Consumers for Safeguarding Bees Against Harmful Pesticides.Anna Birgitte Milford, Bjørn Arild Hatteland & Lars Øystein Ursin - 2022 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 35 (3):1-22.
    The worldwide decline in bees and other pollinating insects is a threat to biodiversity and food security, and urgent action must be taken to stop and then reverse this decline. An established cause of the insect decline is the use of harmful pesticides in agriculture. This case study focuses on the use of pesticides in Norwegian apple production and considers who among farmers, consumers and public authorities is most responsible for protecting bees against harmful pesticides. The extent to which these (...)
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  20.  47
    Person Centered Care and Personalized Medicine: Irreconcilable Opposites or Potential Companions?Leila El-Alti, Lars Sandman & Christian Munthe - 2019 - Health Care Analysis 27 (1):45-59.
    In contrast to standardized guidelines, personalized medicine and person centered care are two notions that have recently developed and are aspiring for more individualized health care for each single patient. While having a similar drive toward individualized care, their sources are markedly different. While personalized medicine stems from a biomedical framework, person centered care originates from a caring perspective, and a wish for a more holistic view of patients. It is unclear to what extent these two concepts can be combined (...)
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  21. The paralysis of judgment : Arendt and Adorno on antisemitism and the modern condition.Julia Schulze Wessel & Lars Rensmann - 2012 - In Lars Rensmann & Samir Gandesha (eds.), Arendt and Adorno: political and philosophical investigations. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
  22. Everyday Ethics in the Care of Elderly People.Ingrid Ågren Bolmsjö, Lars Sandman & Edith Andersson - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (3):249-263.
    This article analyses the general ethical milieu in a nursing home for elderly residents and provides a decision-making model for analysing the ethical situations that arise. It considers what it means for the residents to live together and for the staff to be in ethically problematic situations when caring for residents. An interpretative phenomenological approach and Sandman’s ethical model proved useful for this purpose. Systematic observations were carried out and interpretation of the general ethical milieu was summarized as ‘being in (...)
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    The Interplay Between Supply Chain Transparency and NGO Pressure: A Quantitative Analysis in the Fashion Industry Context.Naemi Schäfer, Lars Petersen & Jacob Hörisch - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-15.
    Companies have been experiencing increasing pressure from NGOs to overcome unethical and unsustainable behaviours. The purpose of this research was to study the interplay between supply chain transparency and NGO pressure. The analysis builds on the literature on supply chain transparency and institutional pressures. We conducted a time-lagged, multi-level regression analysis that included data from 270 fashion companies over a 5-year period to investigate the effect of NGO pressure on transparency and vice versa. The results revealed that companies with higher (...)
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  24. Unfakables.Lars Aagaard-Mogensen - 1978 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 15:97-104.
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  25. Revitalising pedagogy? Teaching and technology in the university classroom.Denton Anthony & Lars K. Hallstrom - 2005 - In David Seth Preston (ed.), Contemporary issues in education. New York, NY: Rodopi.
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  26. Ideational analysis, political change and immanent causality.Lars Tønder - 2010 - In Andreas Gofas & Colin Hay (eds.), The role of ideas in political analysis: a portrait of contemporary debates. New York: Routledge.
  27.  31
    (1 other version)Toward a Responsibility-Catering Prioritarian Ethical Theory of Risk.Per Wikman-Svahn & Lars Lindblom - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics:1-16.
    Standard tools used in societal risk management such as probabilistic risk analysis or cost–benefit analysis typically define risks in terms of only probabilities and consequences and assume a utilitarian approach to ethics that aims to maximize expected utility. The philosopher Carl F. Cranor has argued against this view by devising a list of plausible aspects of the acceptability of risks that points towards a non-consequentialist ethical theory of societal risk management. This paper revisits Cranor’s list to argue that the alternative (...)
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    A model in which the base-matrix tree cannot have cofinal branches.Peter Lars Dordal - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (3):651-664.
    A model of ZFC is constructed in which the distributivity cardinal h is 2 ℵ 0 = ℵ 2 , and in which there are no ω 2 -towers in [ω] ω . As an immediate corollary, it follows that any base-matrix tree in this model has no cofinal branches. The model is constructed via a form of iterated Mathias forcing, in which a mixture of finite and countable supports is used.
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    An inquiry into the principles of needs‐based allocation of health care.Lars Peter Østerdal Tony Hope - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (9):470-480.
    ABSTRACTThe concept of need is often proposed as providing an additional or alternative criterion to cost‐effectiveness in making allocation decisions in health care. If it is to be of practical value it must be sufficiently precisely characterized to be useful to decision makers. This will require both an account of how degree of need for an intervention is to be determined and a prioritization rule that clarifies how degree of need and the cost of the intervention interact in determining the (...)
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  30.  13
    Diskusjonen mellom Ernst Cassirer og Martin Heidegger i Davos.Oversatt Av Lars Petter Storm Torjussen - 2008 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 43 (4):328-340.
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  31. The Definition of 'Art'.Lars Aagaard-Mogensen - 1974 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 10 (27):39-55.
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    Responsible innovation; responsible data. A case study in autonomous driving.C. Ten Holter, Lars Kunze, Jo-Ann Pattinson, Pericle Salvini & Marina Jirotka - 2022 - Journal of Responsible Technology 11 (C):100038.
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    On Studying Human Teaching Behavior with Robots: a Review.Anna-Lisa Vollmer & Lars Schillingmann - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9 (4):863-903.
    Studying teaching behavior in controlled conditions is difficult. It seems intuitive that a human learner might have trouble reliably recreating response patterns over and over in interaction. A robot would be the perfect tool to study teaching behavior because its actions can be well controlled and described. However, due to the interactive nature of teaching, developing such a robot is not an easy task. As we will show in this review, respective studies require certain robot appearances and behaviors. These mainly (...)
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    The biochemical basis of sensation-seeking behavior.Lars von Knorring - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (3):443-445.
  35.  17
    The third and fourth international competitions on computational models of argumentation: Design, results and analysis.Stefano Bistarelli, Lars Kotthoff, Jean-Marie Lagniez, Emmanuel Lonca, Jean-Guy Mailly, Julien Rossit, Francesco Santini & Carlo Taticchi - 2024 - Argument and Computation:1-73.
    The International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation (ICCMA) focuses on reasoning tasks in abstract argumentation frameworks. Submitted solvers are tested on a selected collection of benchmark instances, including artificially generated argumentation frameworks and some frameworks formalizing real-world problems. This paper presents the novelties introduced in the organization of the Third (2019) and Fourth (2021) editions of the competition. In particular, we proposed new tracks to competitors, one dedicated to dynamic solvers (i.e., solvers that incrementally compute solutions of frameworks obtained (...)
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  36. Anpassung von Begriffen an Qualitäten.Lars Aagaard-Mogensen - 1983 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 28 (2):183-191.
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  37. Culture and art: an anthology.Lars Aagaard-Mogensen (ed.) - 1976 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    Danto, A. The artworld.--Dickie, G. What is art?--Margolis, J. Works of art are physically embodied and culturally emergent entities.--Kjørup, S. Art broadly and wholly conceived.--Meyer, L. B. Forgery and the anthropology of art.--Brunius, T. Theory and ideologies in aesthetics.--Tilghman, B. R. Artistic puzzlement.--Binkley, T. Deciding about art.--Alexander, H. G. On defining in aesthetics.--Iseminger, G. Appreciation, the artworld, and the aesthetic.--Glickman, J. Creativity in the arts.--Sclafani, R. The theory of art.--Lyas, C. Danto and Dickie on art.--Beardsley, M. C. Is art essentially (...)
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  38. O saznajnoj estetici.Lars Aagaard-Mogensen - 1984 - Knjizevna Kritika 15 (1):5-12.
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    Logik für Linguisten.Jens S. Allwood, Lars-Gunnar Andersson, Östen Dahl & Michael Grabski - 1973 - Tübingen: Walter de Gruyter. Edited by Lars-Gunnar Andersson & Östen Dahl.
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    Omdöme och proposition: en begreppsanalys och en diskussion av några omdömes- och propositionsteorier.Lars Fröström - 1983 - Lund: Doxa.
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  41. Individual differences in the processing of complex sentences.Wibke Hachmann, Lars Konieczny & Daniel Müller - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 309--314.
  42. Zur Transformation der Monarchie von Aristoteles zu Ockham.Karl Ubl–Lars Vinx - 2002 - Vivarium 40:1.
  43.  28
    The network perspective will help, but is comorbidity the question?Wendy Johnson & Lars Penke - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):162-163.
    Latent variable modeling has revealed important conundrums in the DSM classification system. We agree that the network perspective has potential to inspire new insights and resolve some of these conundrums. We note, however, that alone it cannot really help us understand etiology. Etiology, not comorbidity, is the fundamental question.
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    Religionskritik efter Guds død.Mads Peter Karlsen & Lars Sandbeck (eds.) - 2009 - København: Anis.
  45.  21
    Cortical Contribution to Linear, Non-linear and Frequency Components of Motor Variability Control during Standing.König Ignasiak Niklas, Habermacher Lars, R. Taylor William & B. Singh Navrag - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  46.  40
    The association between ruminative thinking and negative interpretation bias in social anxiety.Marcel Badra, Lars Schulze, Eni S. Becker, Janna Nonja Vrijsen, Babette Renneberg & Ulrike Zetsche - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (6):1234-1242.
    Cognitive models propose that both, negative interpretations of ambiguous social situations and ruminative thoughts about social events contribute to the maintenance of social anxiety disorder. It has further been postulated that ruminative thoughts fuel biased negative interpretations, however, evidence is rare. The present study used a multi-method approach to assess ruminative processing following a social interaction and negative interpretation bias in a student sample screened for high and low social anxiety. Results support the hypothesis that group differences in negative interpretations (...)
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    The Social Pathologies of Self‐Realization: A diagnosis of the consequences of the shift in individualization.Lars Geer Hammershøj - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (5):507-526.
    The aim of this article is to inquire into today's social pathologies, i.e. the negative consequences of the developmental processes of society. In a dialogue with Axel Honneth, the article asserts that a shift has occurred in individualization, a shift that implies a fundamental change in social pathologies: Social pathologies no longer derive from social barriers inhibiting self‐realization but from self‐realization itself. As a consequence, philosophy of education, rather than sociology, appears to be the relevant field of study. The article (...)
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    AEstetisk kultur [Aesthetic Culture].Soren Kjorup & Lars Aagaard-Mogensen - 1980 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 38 (4):458.
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    (1 other version)Is all therapy just a placebo effect?Olov Lindahl & Lars Lindwall - 1982 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 3 (2):255-259.
    The epistemological soundness of controlled clinical trials is questioned. It is argued that the real effect of therapies cannot be determined by such experiments because there is a significant interaction between the placebo effect and real effect created by the individual therapist and treatment situation which, however, is neglected in controlled clinical trials. This critical standpoint is supported by several pharmacological examples.
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  50. Reason and Emotion: How Teachers Respond to Ethical Problems.Niclas Lindström & Lars Samuelsson - 2018 - ATINER'S Conference Paper Series.
    Teachers frequently face ethical problems in their everyday practice – ranging from pedagogical choices affecting their pupils to pressing conflicts that need to be solved – and they are expected to respond to such problems in a professional manner. Given the centrality of the ethical dimension to the teaching profession, an important question is how teachers tend to approach such problems. While some studies have been carried out regarding how teachers in particular approach ethical problems, there are interesting studies revealing (...)
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